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Acupuncture clinic treating over 1000 clients since 2006

JONATHAN SHUBS –  Author, international lecturer on Acupuncture and holder of the highest title available in Switzerland for Acupuncturists -Naturopathic Practitioner in TCM with Advanced Swiss Federal Diploma- Specialization in Acupuncture, Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

We can help for

Mental health, asthma, headaches, menstrual discomfort, digestive problems, high blood pressure, back pain, arthritis, stress and more…

New book out – Sun’s Dance of the Channels

When the train comes to a stop a new adventure would begin. Sun was returning to their grandparents for another summer. Expectations were high. They wanted to explore how the channels and the acupuncture points on them worked. Written in an accessible, story-telling format in the context of a child, Sun, visiting their grandparents and having lessons over afternoon tea, this book targets practitioners looking to go beyond the foundations to acquire a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine theory, philosophy, and concepts. This is the second book in the series and focuses on distal needling techniques and Unified Acupuncture Theory as well as Dr Richard Tan’s Balance Method, Master Tung acupuncture and Japanese Manaka acupuncture styles. Along with an overview of the theoretical basis for holography, it also presents a logical explanation of the channel interaction systems and covers how they can be applied in practice.

What disorders does acupuncture treat?

  • Mental Health

    Burn-out, insomnia, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation (either personal or professional) are all symptoms of a mental health crisis. Acupuncture and my methods of integrating different fields of therapy can help to bring you back to balance

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  • Pain

    All types of pain. From Back (sciatica, lumbago) to headaches, to all muscles, joints, and bone pain. Simple effective treatments with immediate relief is what acupuncture can offer.

  • Allergies

    Whether seasonal or environmental, acupuncture acts on the symptoms (nose, eyes, breathing, skin) and on the underlying issues. This two-pronged approach brings immediate relief and long-lasting effects.

  • Women’s Health

    Periods should not be painful, and suffering is not normal. Acupuncture helps promote regular periods and reduce premenstrual symptoms and pain. A healthy cycle is an important factor in fertility.

About me

Jonathan Shubs


My acupuncture adventure started when I was 12 years old. Having seen my parents undergo three hip operations, 2 cancer treatments, and being diagnosed as diabetic in a period of three years I was confronted, at this early age, with the need to find a better way to help people live a healthy and full life. The symptomatic treatments that my parents underwent brought me to the realisation that a holistic approach to health would be more beneficial. At the same time being confronted with ones parents being in ill health also leads to questioning of ones understanding of the world around us.

My philosophical undertaking of understanding started at the age of fourteen and took me on a journey that eventually led to ancient Chinese philosophy. Against this backdrop of searching for meaningful ways to help people live a healthy balanced life and coupled with an attraction to ancient Chinese thought, the acupuncture world became the obvious career path.

Having the opportunity to study under Daniel Deriaz at the start of my academic career introduced me to the various types of acupuncture that existed and opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities.

Acupuncture; one of the world’s oldest forms of healing…

With its origins dating back more than 5,000 years to ancient China, acupuncture continues to be a primary method of medical treatment today.

Although often described as a means of pain relief, it is in fact used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses. The focus of acupuncture is on improving the overall well-being of the patient, rather than only the isolated treatment of specific symptoms. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body’s motivating energy, known as Qi, moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of meridians (channels) beneath the skin.

Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities—Yin and Yang—and when these become unbalanced, illness may result. By inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture stimulates the body’s own healing response and helps restore its natural balance. The flow of Qi can be disturbed by a number of factors, including poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infection, poisons, trauma, and emotional states such as anxiety, stress, anger, fear, and grief.

The principal aim of acupuncture in treating the whole person is to restore the equilibrium between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual.

  • New book out – Sun’s Season of Channels The power of story is that it makes the information personal. Story allows us to travel with the content and to transform it into something more than just facts: Story brings information to life This book is meant to facilitate information on Chinese Medicine becoming alive.... Read More

What People Say

  • Let me put this simply, Jonathan is close to a miracle worker. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone!

    Bertrand C.
  • Jonathan’s approach is professional and friendly, but rather than words, just go and try…

    Rodolphe D.
  • I am probably the most reticent person when it comes to anything that would approach needles, but with Jonathan, it’s simple.

    Corinne W.

What is meant by holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is a system that examines the patient’s complete pattern of illness. This includes lifestyle, emotions, diet, the balance of internal organs, and so forth. Holistic medicine does not treat only the symptoms of illness; it treats causes as well.

Does acupuncture hurt? Is it safe?

Generally speaking, no. Most people feel very little discomfort. However, we all respond differently to sensory stimulation and some people may experience mild numbness, heaviness, distension, and soreness. Acupuncture is extremely safe when practiced properly. In addition, acupuncture can work along with, as well as enhance, your other medical treatments.

Why should I try acupuncture?

If you are interested in your overall well-being, or are suffering from an acute ailment or chronic disease, and are looking for a method of treatment that does not require prescription medication, or you’ve tried other methods of treatment and they have not worked, acupuncture may be right for you.

For practitioners:
Unified Acupuncture Theory (UAT)

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Providing coherence in clinical strategies in acupuncture

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