Burn-out, insomnia, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation (either personal or professional) are all symptoms of a mental health crisis. Acupuncture and my methods of integrating different fields of therapy can help to bring you back to balance
Burn-out, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and many other terms like this are big words in our day and age. They can carry stigmatisms and negative connotations. Seeking help can feel like admitting weakness. It can be difficult to start the process of coming out of these states and that is where acupuncture comes in.
Our society lives in a state where we have separated the mind from the body. This leads to many problems both in the physical realm as well as in the emotional and spiritual realms. Chinese Medicine has always seen the body through the lens of a holistic approach where there are no separations of the mind, body and soul. I have spent the last 20 years building a way to help patients reintegrate all the aspects of themselves to fulfil their true potential.
I use a combination of different Acupuncture systems as well as talking to patients to help not only with the symptoms they are struggling with, but also help them find their true selves and voice to live a fulfilling and active life.