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Some Like it Hot

Summer heat is here.  We have been having a heat wave in Europe and it will probably continue for a while.  What can we do to stay cool? How can we function with the heat? How does it affect us?

The first thing is to accept that we can not change the temperature.  It is just not possible.  We can use air conditioning and other tools, but it will still be hot outside.  Just accepting this will help cool you down.

The other things we can do are to act in accordance the heat. 

  • Accept to do things slower.  Walk slower, work slower, think slower, etc
  • Drink lots of water
  • Drink watermelon juice every morning.  This will bring down the heat in the body
  • Drink cucumber juice.  This will have less of an immediate effect on cooling the body than watermelon juice but will help for a longer period of time.

Also being aware that your body and mind are functioning differently with the heat.  You might get more tired or anxious or even angry.  By recognising that these states and feelings are influenced by the heat they can become less intense.

And finally acupuncture.  Acupuncture can help the bodies natural temperature regulation.  When it is hot like this, we can use acupuncture to cool down the body and help it adjust to the heat.

A final thought.  Remember that heat is a temporary state.  It will pass and be replaced by other states (cold, rain, mild temperatures, etc.) and we can choose to accept and enjoy it while it is here. 

I wish a wonderful summer and if you are experiencing any problems with the heat do not hesitate to get in contact.

