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My head is killing me

Almost everyone has suffered from headaches.  For some it is a passing moment of discomfort and for others it can be a debilitating ordeal that makes it difficult to enjoy life.  Headaches come in all shapes and sizes.  They can cover the whole head, just one side, be in the front, in the back, they can be anywhere in the head.  The wide range of the position is just an example of how each headache is different.  Therefore, acupuncture is a great method for treating headaches.

We will examine the position, the intensity, the frequency, the conditions that create the headache and the conditions that relieve it.  We will also take into account the totality of your health and wellbeing.  The head is connected to the body, so obviously the body has an influence on the head.  It is this holistic approach of understanding exactly what is happening that allows acupuncture to not just relieve the pain but also treat the underlying disfunction that is causing the pain.

Now you could just take a pill and you will feel better until the next headache comes, and then another one, and then another one, and so on.  This is a short-term solution that does not address the problem.  So sometimes we need to get rid of the headache at the moment and then we can take a pill.  If we want to get to the root of the problem and stop having headaches, we need a more holistic approach.

A key part of treating headaches is making some changes to our diet and habits. Some things that can help reduce headaches are:

  • Being hydrated. It is important to drink enough water.  The exact amount changes depending on the person, but a general idea is at least 1.5 litres a day
  • Get enough sleep.  Sleep allows our body to regenerate and when we are tired headaches can happen.
  • Reduce the amount of stimulants in your diet.  Sugar and caffeine are prime examples of substances that can provoke a headache.  Each person is different, for some reducing the amount is enough, others they need to obliterate it, and for others this is not the problem.  Regardless, reducing refined sugar and caffeine can only be good for your body.
  • Reduce the amount of screen time.  The light emitted from screens (tv, computers, phones) puts strain on our eyes.  This strain on the eyes can cause headaches to occur because of the added tension in the head.  Reducing screen time can reduce this tension. 
  • Get your eyes checked for glasses.  In the same light as reducing screen time, wearing corrective lens can also reduce the strain on the eyes and the tension in the head area.

These are just a few suggestions that can be done to help reduce headaches.  Each person is different and understanding why you have your headaches and how they affect you is the first step in treating them. 

Do not hesitate to get in touch and free yourself from your headaches.